
Companies are like people, they want to get noticed.
More accurately, companies NEED to get noticed. How do you make yourself stand out?
Great question. And good news, you probably already know the answer!
Before I give away my secrets, a little about how they became my secrets, and why they really aren't secrets...
Back in 2016 I started doing "mentor days" at Stanford University. I guess that went well because in 2018, I was invited to have a seat in the Stanford StartX mentor pool.
Through this entire experience I was completing my 100 hour course in personal and executive coaching through CTI, and I started to notice parallels between what individual people want, and what companies want. They both want to be noticed, and recognised.
And this is the big secret, in both cases, you already know how to do it. It's just a matter of having someone help you figure it out, or as I call it, "see through the fog."
Identify your company values and goals.
Have an introspective reality check on where you are currently at. Warning, these can sometimes suck, but they can also be really eye opening.
Set a strategy to get from Step 2 to Step 1.
Implementation and accountability.
That's it!
So easy you might not even need me!
But if you do, reach out.
Most companies I work with need general creative consulting - which is great. I love that! But sometimes a company just knows what they need, but don't know how to get there. This is where the targeted package comes in. Currently I am only offering one package.
Intro to Licensing Package - This package is a 6 week journey to introduce your company to intellectual property licensing. Think SNOOPY would look great on your product? In this course we will discuss the in's and out's of how to prepare your company for licensing, what to expect, and the realities behind if you are ready. At the end of the 6 weeks, my goal is for your company to be talking to and negotiating with a license you would like to work with. The licensing world is tricky, let's make it a little easier.